Why choose the Online Employee?

When it comes to choosing an outsourcing provider, there are several factors to consider. Here’s why you should choose The Online Employee

Transparent fees with no hidden costs or risks: At The Online Employee, we believe in transparency. We break our fees into two components: the fixed monthly service fee and salaries. Our service fee covers high-quality facilities, infrastructure, support services, and internet connectivity. By separating salaries from service costs, we allow you to have complete control over salaries and incentives, ensuring that you get the best talent for your money without any mark-up.

Robust infrastructure designed for maximum uptime: We understand the importance of reliable infrastructure for seamless operations. Our facilities provide 100% infrastructure redundancy and quality business continuity processes. With multiple dedicated internet connections from tier-1 providers at each site and backup phone internet data, we ensure uninterrupted connectivity and minimal downtime.

Our facilities: Our facilities surpass the standards of modern, big-city offices, equipped with the latest computers, ergonomic workstation furniture, and located very close to amenities such as cafes and restaurants. Our office facilities have modern purpose-built fit-outs. We welcome you to visit our facilities in Lebanon and see firsthand the comfortable and professional environment we provide for our employees

Dedicated account management: When you partner with The Online Employee, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will serve as your primary point of contact. Our account managers are experienced HR professionals who understand the unique needs of businesses in different industries. They will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, provide guidance throughout the recruitment process, and ensure that your outsourcing experience is smooth and successful

Customer-centric approach: At The Online Employee, we prioritize customer satisfaction. We strive to build long-term partnerships with our clients and prioritize their needs and goals. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional service and exceeding your expectations. We will listen to your feedback, address any concerns or issues promptly, and continuously improve our services based on your input

Then you are in control for company-specific and role-specific training. Throughout the recruitment process, we maintain regular communication with you, providing updates on the progress and offering support whenever needed.  After the successful onboarding of your offshore team, we continue to provide ongoing support and ensure a smooth operation.

Extensive recruitment process: We understand the importance of finding the right talent for your business. Our recruitment process is thorough and comprehensive. We take the time to understand your business, objectives, and role requirements. We utilize sophisticated, multi-channel recruitment strategies to attract the best candidates from the pool. We conduct thorough interviews and assessments to create a shortlist of top talent for you to choose from. You’re involved in the recruitment process as no one knows business like you do, which is why you’re involved in the recruitment. We handle the initial screening and shortlisting of candidates, saving you the time and effort of sifting through numerous applicants. Our goal is to find candidates with the right skills and experience who will be a perfect fit for your business. Here is a step-by-step guide to our recruitment process:

We take the time to understand your company, its objectives, and the requirements of the offshore role(s).

Once you are ready to proceed, we formalize our engagement and begin the recruitment process.

Our team conducts interviews with the candidates and carefully selects the best talent for your consideration.

You have the opportunity to interview your shortlisted candidates and make the final hiring decision. We can assist with scheduling the interviews and provide guidance along the way.

We analyze the job description and conduct market research to determine the specific costs associated with hiring in the Lebanese labor market. We will provide you with a transparent cost sheet, allowing you to make an informed decision. Our clients typically save approximately 70% on salaries compared to onshore recruitment for similar skills and experience.

We employ a sophisticated, multi-channel recruitment strategy to attract the strongest candidates to our pool. If required, we can also incorporate your own custom assessments into our process.

Once you have made your selection, we handle the onboarding process, including contract signing, orientation, and setting up the necessary IT infrastructure for the new team member(s).

You provide us with a detailed job description, including qualifications, skills, experience, responsibilities, personality traits, and work style preferences

Our aim is to build a long-lasting partnership based on trust, transparency, and mutual success. We are committed to finding the best talent for your business and providing reliable HR support for your offshore team. Let us handle your recruitment needs and help you find the right candidates to grow your business.”