Offshoring explained

It involves creating an offshore team to handle specific tasks or functions remotely

Initial discussion

We begin by having a comprehensive discussion to understand your offshore resourcing requirements. This allows us to identify the tasks or roles that can be effectively offshored and determine the scope of work.

Recruitment and employment

Once we have a clear understanding of your requirements, we proceed to recruit and employ the offshore team members. This involves sourcing qualified candidates, conducting interviews and assessments, and selecting the best fit for your business.

Operational support

After the team is hired, we provide ongoing support to ensure the smooth operation of your offshore team. This includes managing payroll, resolving any HR-related issues, and coordinating with the team to maximize productivity and efficiency.

Is it for you?

There are various models of offshoring, and it is important to determine which one aligns with your business needs and goals. Offshoring can be a valuable strategy for businesses, but it’s important to determine if it’s the right fit for your specific needs. We offer a free course to help you understand the concept of offshoring in detail. This course will provide you with insights on different offshoring models and their pros and cons. It will help you assess whether offshoring is suitable for your business and which offshoring model aligns best with your goals.

Types of offshoring models

Project Based Outsourcing

This model involves hiring freelancers to complete specific projects with a limited scope and duration. It can benefit startups and micro businesses with one-off projects that require specialized skills.

Business Process Outsourcing

BPO entails outsourcing all business processes to an overseas company. While it offers hands-off management, there can be challenges in terms of quality and cultural integration.

Offshore Company Incorporation

This model involves setting up an overseas division of your company and handling all aspects of operations, including HR, recruitment, and facilities. It requires significant investment, time, and expertise.

The Online Employee's Model

We take a unique approach at The Online Employee, utilizing a model that sets us apart from other recruitment companies. Our model, called The Online Employee’s Solution, focuses on setting up an overseas division of your company with the support of our experienced team. We handle infrastructure, HR, and recruitment while giving you full control over the team’s processes, tasks, and quality. This model provides dedicated resources and the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. Our speciality is providing our clients with a dedicated offshore team that seamlessly integrates into their business.

By understanding the different offshoring models and their implications, you can make an informed decision on which model best suits your business needs and goals. We are here to guide you through this process and help you make the right choice for your organization. To learn more about offshoring and our services, please get in touch with us. Our team would be happy to discuss your requirements and provide personalized recommendations.

The Keys to Success

Managing a remote team requires careful planning and execution. To ensure the success of your offshore team, consider the following tips:

Managing an offshore team

is almost exactly the as looking after your team at home. To make it work, you need to be prepared to invest some time and energy into your team

Here are 5 tips that will help support the ongoing success of your offshore team

Treat your offshore team like your onshore team

Your offshore team is part of your business. And they’re people. Just like your local (onshore) team, they’ll perform best when they feel included and when they have excellent working relationships with their colleagues and managers. So be sure to talk to them and build strong relationships. This will help them:

    • Live and breath your culture
    • Align with your vision
    • Work towards your company goals
    • Develop a rapport with your local (onshore) teams
    • Be happier and more productive in their roles.


TIP: Simple programs like Skype, Google Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp and GoToMeeting make it super easy to have face-to-face team huddles.

Regularly visit your offshore team

Visiting your offshore team and facilities is highly recommended. It is best to plan a trip when you first establish the team and continue to visit regularly thereafter.

Schedule a visit and spend several days working with your team on-site. This will allow you to get to know your staff on a personal level and vice versa. Face-to-face interactions will make your business, its objectives, and its customers more tangible to your offshore team members, rather than being abstract concepts. When your offshore team understands who they are working with and, more importantly, why, they will deliver better service quality and results.

Furthermore, visiting your team in person will provide you with insights into their strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to allocate resources appropriately and make informed decisions regarding promotions.

Additionally, during your visit, you may have the opportunity to meet other business owners and managers who are also offshoring. This presents a valuable networking opportunity, but more importantly, it allows for the exchange of best practices with fellow clients.

Establish clear systems and processes

Developing clear systems is essential for ensuring your team can perform effectively. By implementing robust systems, you can expect various benefits, including:

    • Improved work efficiency
    • Enhanced job satisfaction
    • Increased staff accountability with clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    • Enhanced quality control
    • Predictable outcomes
    • Consistent products, services, and representation of your brand
    • Uniform customer experiences

We will guide you through the process of setting up your systems and processes. Once you are up and running, we will provide proactive advice to identify opportunities for improvement.

Dedicate ‘champions’ to manage them

Your offshore team is a critical part of your business. You need to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitude they’ll need to fill that role. Just as importantly, you need to ensure excellent team cohesion, collaboration and goal alignment.

The best way to do this is to dedicate two ‘champions’ to your offshore team – one onshore and one offshore. Their role is to glue your two teams together, making it far more likely you’ll achieve the outcomes you seek, and far less likely you’ll experience any of the problems that disconnection and distance can cause.

Your onshore champion should manage and communicate with your offshore team. Your champion will be someone who:

    • Has an intimate understanding of your business and culture
    • Your offshore team can come to with questions
    • Provides clarification and guidance to your offshore team
    • Hosts regular meetings with your offshore team
    • Checks in with individuals on your offshore team
    • Is responsible for your offshore team’s performance
    • Provides feedback and encouragement

It’s not just about transferring knowledge, but also about transferring culture. Your onshore champion must provide information and insights that cannot be obtained by simply reading your website. They need to:

    • Clearly define responsibilities and key performance indicators
    • Manage people based on outcomes
    • Allow for flexibility in work
    • Establish effective communication systems, especially with remote teams

Once again, it all comes down to treating your offshore members as part of the team. Even though they may not be physically present in the office, they are still integral to your company. Ensuring their engagement, like your other employees, has become significantly easier with advancements in technology.

Your offshore champion will be the primary point of contact for your onshore champion and will coordinate the day-to-day activities and time management of your offshore team.

They will have a deep understanding of your offshore team that only a local presence can provide. Typically, they will be a senior manager or team leader, one of your initial offshore hires, and someone you trust to work effectively with.

Ideally, you should arrange for your offshore champion to visit your local office for a few weeks at least once a year. This will strengthen the relationship and provide them with a comprehensive understanding of your business.

Take your time

Offshoring is an opportunity to expand your business faster and save on costs. However, to make it work you’ll need to invest time up front. It’s not a ‘set and forget’ solution. You need to train, mentor and speak with your offshore team on an ongoing basis, just as you do with your onshore team. This will improve the quality of service for both you and your customers, and consequently lead to a stronger return on investment.